Sunday, March 14, 2010

Turnip Baby

Weekly update:

"Your baby's skeleton is changingfrom soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop."

Is she going to be sweating inside me? Weird!!

I'm so happy about daylight savings time! Even though we are pretty off here today with the whole losing an hour thing. It's going to be so nice for there to be sunlight when I leave work (even if it's after seven).

We went downtown to a going away party last night for my friend Brisa who is moving to California. Today we are very tired since we didn't get to bed until after midnight. That is several hours later than our bedtime has been recently.

We did have a good time going out though. I went to A Pea in Pod and got a cute top to wear, so I actually didn't feel like the gross prego that I thought I was going to.

It was really weird to see my skinny friends. It makes me realize just how thick I've gotten, even if I don't look super pregnant yet.

Today we are doing some housework and hanging inside because the weather has turned chilly and gross again. We also gave the dogs a bath, so they will be all pretty when we go to obedience class on Tuesday.

That's right we are finally taking our bad ass dogs to see if they can be helped. We can't wait. I'm training Houser, and Greg is training Daisy. We're hoping a little healthy competition will help us do better has novice dog trainers. I'm gonna win!!!


  1. we're doing home work and housework around my hose as well while the rain continues to pour.

    yuck, i cant stand those first few days of daylight savings time. my sleep time is too precious ya know

  2. Isn't it so exciting to see how big the baby is each week. I believe my girl is currently the size of a cantaloupe.

  3. "Is she going to be sweating inside me?"

    Great. One more thing to fear about childbirth. ;-)
