Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My First Blog!

I'm so excited to be starting my blog! I've been watching a blog of a girl I graduated with and decided it was something I would like to do. As we get older and busier we keep up with our friends and family less and less. I thought this would be a good way of letting them know what's going on in our lives, and in turn hope that they let us know what's going on in their lives. I thought a blog is a little more grown up than My Space or Facebook (which as some of you know I've always thought to be a bit embarrassing for people over 25, sorry).

The title of my blog may need to be explained. When Greg and I married I keep my own name. Some people have been living in a cave through the feminist movement, so we have encountered a lot of funny questions about this. Here are some:
Q: Is that legal?
A: Your last name doesn't automatically change. You have to legally change if you choose to.
Q: Did your husband let you do that?
A: You stupid @$#!& I didn't ask permission!
And the most common
Q: What last name will your kids have?
A: We'll just combine Mangrum and Davis into Manvis or Dangrum. This usually shuts up the          person who is dumb enough to think we're serious. 

This also shows me what people with children already know. People feel they have the right to inflict their opinion onto our now non-existent children and parenting. I can't wait for when we actually have kids so I can get all that great advice from complete strangers or insignificant acquaintances.

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny. I didn't change my name either. To each their own, but my thought is: it's my NAME. I was born with that name! Why would I change it?! It's the #1 thing that makes you you. Anywho, I had the same encounters when people asked what my new name was going to be. Blank stare, laughter, and looks of disgust and horror.
