Monday, March 9, 2009

My Birthday Gift From Greg

Greg told me the Sunday that he already bought my birthday gift. This was a surprise to me since we don't usually exchange gifts for our b-days. Normally we just give another a fun night out, or Greg took me to New Orleans for my 25th, my favorite gift so far. 

So now I'm trying to figure out what he got me. I asked some questions to try to figure it out. Here's what i know so far:
  1. It's not for the house
  2. It's not something I would wear
  3. It's not an Ipod ( I lost mine at the gym but don't really miss it too much)
  4. It's not something to do, an activity
  5. It's not expensive ( at or under $200)
I get a hint a day for the next two days. I'm stumped on what else to ask. Help me by posting what other questions to ask. I'll ask whatever question I think will get me the best hint, then   I'll post the question, answer, and who's question it was. Thanks for your help!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Gotta let us know what you get! Jay's 30th birthday was Saturday! Happy Birthday! Great blog, by the way!
