Friday, May 27, 2011

9 Months

Happy 9 month birthday to Ellie Kate!!

We went to her checkup this afternoon , and everything went great. She is 28" long and weighs 17lbs. She is exactly the size a 9 month old Ellie Kate should be :).

We got to brag about how smart she is saying dada and mama and hi and hey, waving, clapping, crawling, pulling up, "cruising" ( creepy word that makes me think of her jamming out to a Sister Christian song in a muscle car rolling through a Sonic), and eating up everything we put in front of her.

We also asked about how she sleeps only two, thirty minute naps a day, and how she's not the best sleeper at night. Unfortunately, the only advice he had was desensitizing sleep training.....that's not happening. He did say that the shorts naps, while annoying, are not harmful. At least we get to get out of the house more than mommies with good napping babies.

The doctor told use to be on the look out for a top tooth in the next couple of weeks because her little gums were swollen. We'll have to say so long to her gummy smile. Even though she has two bottom teeth, you can't really see them when she smiles most of the time.

And her Cheeto orange earwax is apparently no big deal, just gross. Perhaps it will curb any desire I may have to eat Cheetos.

After the doctor's, we went to Ben and Jerry's to get ice cream. I actually let EK have a bite. That is huge for me considering I make all her food, so I know that it's all organic and unprocessed. She actually didn't seem to care that much for it. Not loving ice cream is another reason I need a maternity test. The first being she looks nothing like me.

This week we are trying beans and going swimming at Meme's for the first time. That combination reminds me of the packs of beans that Cracker Barrels sell that say "Redneck Jacquezie".

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