Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Feeling Better and First Baby Purchase

OMG yesterday was the worst f'ing day of my life! I felt like dog crap all day. I was literally in tears with my head in the trash can all day. I was having visions of being one of those women with "morning sickness" for my whole pregnancy. SCARY!

But then this morning I woke up feeling so much better! I think the calcium supplement that I was taking was giving me nausea on steroids, so I'm done with it for a while. I'll just have to have more diary.

I made my first baby related purchase. I know that it's pretty early to be shopping, but it was for something that I know I want (which happened to be way on sale).

Here it is:
It's an Arm's Reach Mini Convertible Co-Sleeper Bassinet.

It's pretty cool. It will pull right up to the side of our bed and has safety straps that attach under the mattress. All the reviews say that it's great for middle of the night nursing sessions. As long as you don't have to change a dirty diaper, then you can just reach out and pull them to you to feed, without fully having mom or baby wake up. It's like having the baby sleep with you without being able to roll on top of them. Plus it's not some cheesy pastel color that will clash with our furniture and decor.

I think my husband is a little worried that the baby shopping flood gates have now opened, but I think I'll be mostly holding off until we find out the gender. I really want gender specific things since we're only having one child and because of my love of pink ( since I already know it's a girl!).

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