Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone. Hope your weekends were good. Ours was decent.

I was super excited that apparently all the football games were over, so some new tv could come back on Friday.

Friday is one of my favorite tv lineups with Ghost Whisperer and Medium on CBS. So Friday night was a relaxing one laying in the bed with the dogs and watching the tube while trying to stay warm.

Saturday was a tough nausea day and made work pretty difficult Saturday morning. But I made it through.

Saturday night we went to our friends Ashley and Mike's for their joint thirtieth birthday party. This was the first time that I've been around my girlfriends and at a party with everyone having drinks, and I can't. It was pretty depressing, but Greg helped by voluntarily refraining with me. I told him to enjoy having a D D, but it did help having the solidarity. It was still fun to soberly see some good friends and some faces I haven't seen in a while. Ashley is quite the little hostess, so everything was adorable and the food was fab! Especially the cake our friend Chevelle brought ( I had 2 pieces). I really should have taken some photos, but my camera never made it out of my purse. That's probably because I usually start taking pictures around drink 4.

Today we hauled all of Christmas stuff down to my mom's to put into their attic. We don't have an attic, and we have to clear out as much room as possible in our closets, so baby can have the whole closet in what will be it's nursery.

This week the weather thankfully is suppose to warm up! I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. I walked outside this morning and automatically noticed I wasn't FREEZING! It's warmer! Yippee!

    My post will probably come on Wed. :)
