Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Baby is White Trash

I'm scared that my baby is going to come out with a Nascar t-shirt on, wanting a Bucsh beer instead of a bottle, and demanding that I take it to Walmart. I think my baby may be white trash because I keep craving Taco Bell, hot wings (of course not the chicken part), and other crap food.

I already have had to go to Taco Bell several times in the past month and half. Then this morning I saw some wing sauce that Greg had in the pantry. I actually ate wing sauce on bread dipped in ranch dressing. Oh the shame!

Why, oh why, is my baby turning me into white trash?

On the plus side I woke up still feeling better this least before the ranch and wing sauce bread.


  1. Oh wow, this made me seriously LOL! I don't think I've congratulated you, so CONGRATULATIONS! I've been neglecting the blogworld for a while, but I'm hoping to catch up now. Ranch and wing sauce? Not too crazy .... unless you ate a pickle and potato chips too???? That is one crazy craving! Is it bad I crave Taco Bell and I'm not pregnant???

  2. I craved grilled cheese and spaghettios and hot dogs and mac and cheese CONSTANTLY. The dude came out trash free...I hope. Ah ha ha
