Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

Hope everyone had a super weekend. I know that the peeps around this area had a lovely atmosphere to spend theirs in at least {our weather was phenomenal this weekend! }.

I was pretty lazy this weekend. It was, of course, just because I'm going to Austin Thursday, and totally not because I'm a big, ole bum. Well, maybe it was a little because I'm a bum.

Friday night I did try to get out and do something. I wanted to go to our zoo for Zoo Boo. It's a fun Halloween event our zoo puts on every year. I've never been before, but this is also the first year that we have had a zoo membership. The hubs totally dashed my hopes of going by making a turned-up-nose-face when I mentioned it to him. Oh well, there's always next year.

Saturday I worked for a bit, went to the gym, ran by Pier One { got a cute little apron}, and came home to make some food for family dinner at the parentals'.

Our fam hadn't gotten together in weeks, so we decided to do a Mexican night. I made seven layer dip, which we ate like pigs, and a new dessert I found on my friend Nell's blog, Best Laid Plans. Click here if you want the recipe. It is a Pumpkin Crisp, and we all thought it was delicious. Everyone requested I make it again for Thanksgiving dinner.

Our family is pretty dorky because we l-o-v-e to play board games when we get together {even though it usually ends in me or one of my sister quiting because we are losing, or one of us getting pissed because someone is not following the rules properly}.

What is about siblings that makes you revert back to childish behavior no matter how old you are? I swear I've considered doing some hair pulling recently.....even though I'm almost thirty.

We pretty much made it through this game without any sibling squabbles, but Jessica and Krista both quit before the game of Trivial Pursuit DVD Edition was over, because they were losing.

Yesterday I succumbed to my lazy tendencies and laid on the couch all day. I didn't get out of PJs one time. I watched TV and stalked Facebook. The only productive thing I did all day was wash my face and brush my teeth { you're welcome, Greg}. The only time I left the house, in my PJs, was to go to Baskin Robbin's. Let me just say that we did use the drive-through though. I DO NOT condone pajamas in public!

Today I have to be productive. I must go to the gym, after having a weekend of junk food, and I have to clean my house. At least I only have a two day work week before we leave for Austin. Have I mention that I'm pretty excited that we are going to AUSTIN!?!

Maybe I'll post some pics later of my fall decorations I put out Friday, and the new piece of art I got to hang above our bed.

What did y'all do this weekend? Did any of the you Memphis people go to River Arts Fest? I wouldn't have minded checking it out if I wasn't glued to the couch all day yesterday.

Happy Monday, for those of you in a good mood, and F*** Mondays, for those of who are not!

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