Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Only One Week To Go!!

In one week, and a few hours, from right now, we'll know if we're having a baby girl or a baby boy. I can't believe that it's already time. The first couple of months of pregnancy seemed to go by really slowly, but now it seems to be flying by.

Make sure you vote this week on my poll for what we are having. Of course, I have a pretty strong intuition that it's a girl, but we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I am thinking girl, too. I see Dr. D on Friday and we are going to decide on what to do about our little one being breech! UGGGG it's so annoying. I just wish she would turn. Here I am, 35 weeks and she is as stubborn as me! Cheers to a healthy and happy rest of our pregnancies!
