Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm Weak

OK I already broke my vow to not go out until 4/25.  Last night Shelby wanted me to go with her to listen to her husband sing. I like David's music and love me some Shelbs, so I was happily obliged to do so. I thought I could go without drinking, no problem. I would just have some dinner and hang out.

Well when we got to the bar ( some really cute place adjoining Stop345 downtown that I still don't know the name of) they had no food. The longer I sat there I just felt I needed something to do, so after an hour I got a beer. 

Three beers later  I felt this overpowering urge for a cigarette. Since my inhibitions were down a little after the three beers, I caved and bummed one. I know, I know I'm weak!

I ended up going to the Blue Monkey with Shelby's Uncle Bubby and Tinesha, my new favorite person in the world. We had a great time hearing Uncle Bubby's stories of his youth ( when he was a gymnast, when he was in an acting troop,  and a crazy party were he ended up in England with no money to get home). But while we were there I convinced Ty to by a pack of cigarettes and smoked three more and made her smoke. I have a sickness, and now I'm inflicting it on others!

Please any of you out there who were social smokers ( smoke-only-when-drinking-smokers) but have kick it share your tricks of how you did it with me. I'm to weak to just will myself not to smoke.

My friend Alex said she did it with acupuncture. I would do that before I chewed Nicorette gum or something that I consider equally as gross as smoking. Would the $300 that acupuncture would cost be worth it?

Uncle Bubby

Shelby Me Tinesha


  1. Oh No Girl! Oh well. S#!t happens :) Just keep on trucking. Friends of mine have said chewing cocktail straws helped with cig cravings. Never tried it myself but they did successfully quit.

  2. Thanks for the advice! I think maybe if I could have a straw to fiddle with in my hand that might help. I think my problem is less orally fixated and more boredom. If I keep my hands busy maybe that would help. " Idle hands do the devils work."
